Applied Kinesiology is a form of diagnosis to determine how the body is functioning. It can be used also to determine what methods of therapy are most appropriate for the dysfunction, thus satisfying the unique needs of the individual.
Applied kinesiology uses the Triad of Health as a model of functional wellness. Just as an equilateral triangle is well balanced and equally supported on all sides, our body requires optimal support from three main areas of functioning: Structural (including proper alignment, nerve conduction, muscular support and stability, etc.), Biochemical (balanced hormones, good nutrition, toxic free body, etc.) and Mental/ Emotional properly released negative emotions / mental stress).
An applied kinesiologist uses manual muscle testing as functional neurological assessment of the body to determine which side of the Triad of Health is not functioning properly. When a part of the body is not functioning adequately, a corresponding muscle will test as being partially inhibited, or slightly ‘weaker’ than normal.
We’ve all heard how certain organs not working properly can cause musculoskeletal symptoms. For example, heart attacks frequently cause shoulder, or neck pain and weakness. Gallbladder attacks cause right shoulder or upper back pain. The reason behind this is that organs, muscles, nerves and even acupuncture meridian channels are all connected from how we developed as an embryo. At times when that organ is overworked, deficient, sluggish, or dysfunctioning, the muscle related to that organ will inhibit slightly upon manual muscle testing and therefore will seem ‘weaker.’
We can therefore utilize this approach to help determine what is not functioning adequately, as well as determine what appropriate therapy is necessary to restore optional functioning, which will restore muscle ‘weakness’ in turn.
Many people are aware of the pain and imbalance that
faulty biomechanics in the spine and other joints of the body can
create. However, imbalances in the spine affect so much more.
spine is very similar to the circuit breaker box in a house. There are
nerves (like electrical circuits) that exit from each vertebra of your
spine and connect to every muscle, organ, gland, and tissue of your
body. The body communicates, is controlled and is regulated through
The vertebrae in your spine are analogous to a circuit breaker, and your
spine, is analogous to a circuit breaker box. There are two ways to
throw the circuit breaker at your house (and your spine). One, you can
physically throw the circuit breaker by bumping or pushing on it. In the
spine this is the equivalent to accidents, poor posture, falls, sports
injuries, etc. Secondly, you can also blow the circuit by overloading
the room that the circuit supplies. In the case of the spine the areas
overloaded could be stressed out, overworked, or deficient organs,
glands, joints, etc.
When the circuit blows, the electricity (or nerve
impulse, life energy) going to that area has been diminished or is
These tripped circuit breakers in your body are called subluxations. By
adjusting the spine or other faulty joints, chiropractic restores the
circuit. The nerve interference is reduced or eliminated allowing the
body to continue to self-regulate and self-heal.
Look well to the spine for the cause of disease. ~Hippocrates
Nutritional balance represents biochemical balance within the body. Every body part, from the organ systems, individual organs, down to the very cells that make up the body rely on proper chemical constituents to keep your body optimally running.
Whole food nutrition, starts with the food you eat on
a daily basis. Dr. Carroll emphasizes fresh, whole foods to feed and
nourish your body. In addition supplementation may be required to help
balance out the body more efficiently. Many factors can emphasize the
need for supplementation including, depleted soils, toxic additives and
preservatives, pollution, and an overall imbalance in the diet. Dr.
Carroll believes in recommending supplements based on a person’s
specific needs. His goal is always to recommend the least amount of
supplements to do the greatest good.
Supplements include whole food based vitamins, minerals, glandular
support as well as herbal support and homeopathy.
It is important to note that feeding the body with
what it needs daily, in the form of whole food vitamins, minerals and
glandular support is the primary nutritional goal.
Herbs, as a secondary support are wonderful for helping to restore
balance to the body, aiding in detoxification, and reducing infections.
They can aid whole food supplements to strengthen your body, and prevent
loss of vitality and health.
Homeopathy, which utilizes extremely small dilutions of plant, mineral and animal substances are used to help stimulate the body’s vital force and healing response. Homeopathic preparations are very safe and a wonderful tool to help resolve problems within the body.
Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)
It is human nature to have emotional responses such as fear, anger and grief to significant events in our lives. However, when the body fails to “let go” of these emotions, unexplained aversions, self-sabotaging behaviors, and many chronic physical problems may result. Dr. Carroll uses an approach called Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) to identify, and help you let go of, “stuck emotional patterns.”
If you are in a weakened state due to stress, poor nutrition, or physical trauma, everyday emotions may not resolve naturally. Later in our lives when we experience a similar situation the old emotional response kicks in. Just as Pavlov’s dog linked the sound of a bell with being fed, events and situations in our life can be linked to emotions and feelings.
Many times, we rarely see the link between the past
event and our presently felt pain or situation. NET, while not taking
the place psychotherapy, can help identify the unresolved real (or
imagined) event and help your body release its lingering emotional
charge, for good.
Your emotional reality can dramatically affect your health.